E.S. Postnikova, O. L. Ryabukhina, A. V. Tutukov, S.V. Vereshchagin, N.V. Chupina, A.P. Demidov The Structure and Evolution of Open Star Clusters: Theory and Observations Based on Gaia Data |
The structure and evolution of open star clusters (OSCs) are considered using the Pleiades OSCs and the OSC group in the Orion Sword region as examples. The stars were selected according to the Gaia data. The relationship between the Orion Sword clusters and molecular clouds is traced according to the data of the Herschel spacecraft. The place of the considered objects in the general scheme of evolution compiled by us earlier is shown. It is concluded that there is an urgent need to expand the OSC classification. The considered Pleiades star system showed the presence of an extensive stellar halo. The stellar stream Pisces - Eridanus found in the vicinity of the Pleiades is probably genetically related to the Pleiades and, together with it, represents the remnants of the disintegrated OB association. In the Orion Sword region, the observed young OSCs are most likely associated with molecular clouds. Young clusters stand out associated with dust (15 - 35 K) and hot (10000 K) gas. Data on OSCs are rapidly replenishing, and the number of OSCs is growing due to their detection in the Gaia surveys. Analysis in this area can be iterated and extended over time with proven methodologies to fit data management concepts in data-intensive areas.
operational information support, open star clusters, Pleiades, Orion Sword region, analytics, data management
PP. 121-133.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279230114