M.S. Manakhova, V.A. Dudarev "Web Application with GUI for Data Analysis Automation" |
In the current digital age, the world has a huge amount of data. Therefore, people are more and more confronted with the use of such methods as data analysis and machine learning. Moreover, many people are considering using machine learning algorithms for their own purposes. However, data analysis is a complex process that can hardly be carried out by people who do not have sufficient knowledge both in this field and in programming. This paper presents an approach to give non-expert users the ability to apply machine learning algorithms to their datasets using an application with a graphical interface. There are a lot of challenges involved in creating ML-solutions, even if we take advantage of existing ML-algorithms: feature engineering, outliers’ detection, filling the missing values, ML-method’s hyperparameters optimization and so on. The main point of the research is to find a balance in solving these complex tasks and to provide a Web-based user interface for unexperienced people to enable them to utilize the power of ML-methods in automatic or semi-automatic way. The practical outcome is an information system development, that consists of three interrelated parts: a web application, an API and several microservices that implement ML-algorithms from Scikit-learn library.
web Application, Graphical User Interface, data analysis, ML automation.
Стр. 55-63.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279230107 References
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