Information Technology
Data Mining
Methods and Models in Natural Sciences
N.A. Vasilyeva, A.A. Vladimirov, T.A. Vasiliev "A logical model for integration of heterogeneous experimental data in soil research"
Computer analysis of texts
N.A. Vasilyeva, A.A. Vladimirov, T.A. Vasiliev "A logical model for integration of heterogeneous experimental data in soil research"

The undoubted challenge for science is the extraction of knowledge from fast growing heterogeneous datasets. Particularly, details of experimental setups are insufficiently formalized and cannot be easily inserted into databases. Thus, there is a problem of using these details in the process of data integration and meta-analyses. For this purpose, we developed a scheme of formalization for object descriptions with its origination, protocols for field and laboratory measurements (including instruments and experimental conditions). It allows the integration of larger amounts of data accounting for its specifics of acquisition, for example, by applying adjustments, assigning weights to data sources (based on its reliability, method precision and experimental uncertainty) or directly accounting for experimental conditions in models. This formalization is currently used to develop an electronic laboratory journal for soil research, intended for detailed description of a conducted or planned experiment. The study aims to: increase the re-producibility of scientific research results; allow automatic data processing and error detection, and most importantly; effective soil data mining for decision support systems.


heterogeneous data sources, formalization, standards integration, soils, reproducibility.

Стр. 140-147.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230116

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