Scientometrics and management science
S.I. Matorin, A.G. Zhikharev, O.A. Zimovets Justification interrelationships of system-wide principles and laws from the perspective of system-object approach
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
Computer analysis of texts
S.I. Matorin, A.G. Zhikharev, O.A. Zimovets Justification interrelationships of system-wide principles and laws from the perspective of system-object approach


The paper presents the basic conceptual positions of the system-object approach “Unit-Function-Object”. With the help of these provisions, the relationships between the main system-wide principles and regularities have been identified and substantiated. It is shown that the basis for the entire system of interrelationships of these regularities is the regularities concerning the structural characteristics of systems. In addition, the role in establishing relationships between system-wide regularities of the universal system-forming factor, as well as the causes and conditions for the appearance of a systemic effect, is shown. As a result of the conducted research, it is suggested to consider the presented system-object approach as a substantive basis of a full-fledged system theory, in connection with the fact that this approach takes into account all system-wide principles and regularities.


system-object approach “Unit-Function-Object”, conceptual provisions, universal system-forming factor, system-wide principles and regularities.

PP. 54-63.


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