Applied aspects in informatics
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Dynamic systems
Scientometrics and management science
A.B. Petrovsky, S.V. Pronichkin, M.Yu. Sternin, G.I. Shepelev Organization and management of science: the experience of China
Recognition of images
A.B. Petrovsky, S.V. Pronichkin, M.Yu. Sternin, G.I. Shepelev Organization and management of science: the experience of China


The paper considers the experience of China in the field of organization and financing of science. National characteristics of science and technology policy, mechanisms for science support are noted. Procedures of expertise of research projects are described. Examples of scientific achievements of the Chinese researchers are done. Recommendations for the use of the China experience are formulated.


organization and management of science, science and technological policy, mechanisms for science support, grants, scholarships, expertise of research projects.

PP. 54-64.


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