Methods and models in economy
V. N. Livshits, V. A. Kubrina Humanitarian aspects of economic growth in the world economy of the XXI century
Dynamical Systems
Applied aspects in informatics
Системный анализ в медицине
V. N. Livshits, V. A. Kubrina Humanitarian aspects of economic growth in the world economy of the XXI century

Modern understanding of economic growth and social development trends is the result of deep interdisciplinary research and synthesis of diverse views of foreign and domestic scientists-economists, sociologists, and philosophers. Personal capital of a person is considered by the authors as a new economic category and an important endogenous factor in the growth of the information economy, which must be evaluated and taken into account when forming a competitive strategy in the international arena of Russia.


economic growth, Inclusive institutions, Humanitarian Foundation for Social and Economic Development, Human capital.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200305

PP. 38-46.

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