Risk management and safety
G.P. Akimova, A.Yu. Danilenko, E.V. Pashkina, M.A. Pashkin A.A. Podrabinovich, I.V. Tumanova An approach to securing industrial control systems
Production and infrastructure subsystems efficiency assessment
Information Technology
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Recognition of images
G.P. Akimova, A.Yu. Danilenko, E.V. Pashkina, M.A. Pashkin A.A. Podrabinovich, I.V. Tumanova An approach to securing industrial control systems

The article discusses the features of ensuring information security at an industrial enterprise. A method for segmentation of computing resources and algorithms for access control in various segments: corporate, engineering and technological, are proposed.


information security, APT attacks, APCS, CAD, access control.

PP. 3-9.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210101

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