Risk management and safety
A.V. Solovyev Modeling the influence of the human factor on the functioning of information systems
Production and infrastructure subsystems efficiency assessment
Information Technology
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
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A.V. Solovyev Modeling the influence of the human factor on the functioning of information systems

The article proposes an approach to modeling the Human Reliability Assessment (HRA), based on the assessment of the human error probabilities. Human error probabilities (HEP) are modeled depending on several important characteristics of a person, such as the ability to fatigue, the ability to rest, accuracy, the ability to endure information overload, the ability to memorize information, the ability to make decisions under time pressure, qualimetric characteristics. The article identifies the data required for modeling that need to be collected
to conduct an HRA assessment. An advantage of the HRA modeling approach proposed in this article is that it is easy to evaluate and collect the necessary data. The advantage of the mathematical model for assessing HRA is the empirically obtained dependence of HEP on the operations performed by a person in the information system. The presented mathematical model for assessing HRA and modeling methodology for HRA have been tested within the framework of scientific and methodological support for the modernization of Russian Federation State Automated System “Vybory” and the Electronic Archive of Personified Accounting Documents of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. In further studies, it is planned to improve the accuracy and reliability of the simulation results.


modelling, information systems development, human factor, Human Reliability Assessment, reliability, human error probabilities

PP. 34-43.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279210104

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