The results of the development of conceptual approaches to modeling the social efficiency assessment of large-scale transportation projects as well as modeling the efficiency assessment for network infrastructure subsystems as natural monopolies with the inclusion of hedonic models are represented. The model for assessing the social effectiveness of a large-scale investment project based on the criterion of real social profit from the project implementation is proposed. The profit appraisal is compounded to the end of the accounting period and is calculated taking into account the optimal use of the income received from the entire period of the project implementation, as well as the lost profit associated with the diversion of funds to the project. Advancement conceptual approaches to identification of natural monopolies taking into account infrastructure technology specific are formed. Extensions of the hedonic approach are proposed for modeling efficiency assessment of the development of network transport infrastructure using a modification of the multiproduct cost function and optimization of technology parameters. Interrelations between information flows of the models have been researched: namely the models of diagnostics of natural monopoly technology qualities, the models of efficiency assessment of large-scale network transportation projects also the models of transport network optimization. The proposals for implementation of the conceptual foundations to formation of strategy decisions on network infrastructural subsystems have been developed.
system efficiency, modeling, network transport infrastructure, large-scale investment projects, assessment criteria, externalities of project implementation, natural monopoly specific, hedonic approach, information interrelations
PP. 10-21.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279210102 References
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