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O.A. Gordienko, O.S. Volkov, K.A. Bagrationi, A.G. Prilipko Employee Readiness to Unscheduled Firm’s Transition to Telework in Educational Organizations
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O.A. Gordienko, O.S. Volkov, K.A. Bagrationi, A.G. Prilipko Employee Readiness to Unscheduled Firm’s Transition to Telework in Educational Organizations

The fundamental shifts in the business logic of companies accompanying digital transformation require a reorientation of the majority of employees. Such processes naturally provoke resistance and the educational segment is no exception. In 2020, most educational organizations in Russia were forced to switch to a telework and adapt to the online format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In that regard, it becomes increasingly relevant to study the readiness of employees of such organizations to change. The article analyzes the level of readiness of individual employees of educational organizations for the Unscheduled Firm’s Transition to Telework.


digital transformation, telework, readiness to change

PP. 72-84/

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210109

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