Information Technology
N.E. Kalenov, I.N. Sobolevskaya, A.N. Sotnikov "Classes of objects and relations in the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge"
Data Mining
Methods and Models in Natural Sciences
Computer analysis of texts
N.E. Kalenov, I.N. Sobolevskaya, A.N. Sotnikov "Classes of objects and relations in the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge"

All over the world there are many both global and local information systems focused on solving various problems. As an integrator that allows you to solve complex information problems at the intersection of sciences and application areas of existing information systems. to the maximum extent using the information resources accumulated in them, the Common Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge (CDSSK) can be considered. The article provides the structure of the CDSSK, the requirements for its functionality and the structure of the software shell, corresponding to the principles of the Semantic WEB. All objects reflected in the CDSSK are divided into two classes – universal and local. Relationships between objects are also divided into two groups – universal and specific. The paper proposes a list of universal classes of objects, defines universal types of relations between them, gives examples of specific relations and approaches to identifying local classes and subclasses of objects in a particular field of science.


сommon Digital Space of Scientific Knowledge, Semantic WEB, codification, objects classes, object reference, object relations, entity reference, relationships between objects, ontology.

Стр. 4-8.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230101

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