Information Technology
Data Mining
Methods and Models in Natural Sciences
Computer analysis of texts
N.D. Todosiev, V.I. Yankovskiy, Y.E. Gapanyuk, A.M. Andreev "The Conceptual Modeling System Based on Metagraph Approach"
N.D. Todosiev, V.I. Yankovskiy, Y.E. Gapanyuk, A.M. Andreev "The Conceptual Modeling System Based on Metagraph Approach"

The article is devoted to an approach to building a conceptual modeling system, which includes text recognition in a conceptual structure and text generation based on a conceptual structure. The metagraph is used as a conceptual structure. The architecture of the conceptual modeling system is proposed. The metagraph model is considered as a data model for conceptual modeling. The main ideas of the work of the text parsing module and text generation module are considered.


complex Graph Structures, Metagraph, Conceptual Compression, Text Parsing, Text Generation.

Стр. 176-184.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230120

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