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Recognition of images
Anastasia Ingacheva, Marina Chukalina, Dmitry Nikolaev Investigation of the properties of the polychromatic ray integrals polynomial correcting function in the problem of computed tomography
Anastasia Ingacheva, Marina Chukalina, Dmitry Nikolaev Investigation of the properties of the polychromatic ray integrals polynomial correcting function in the problem of computed tomography

To solve the problem of tomography in polychromatic mode, to suppress cupping artifacts in the reconstructed images, the preliminary processing method of the registered data is used. The method consists of applying a correcting function to each pixel of the registered data. To search for the parameters of the correcting model, additional calibration measurements are usually carried out under the same experimental conditions of a sample similar in composition. Polynomial correcting functions are usually used as a correction model. However, a theoretical justification for the use of this type of function has not yet been made. The paper introduces the concept of the function of integral attenuation of a polychromatic signal and indicates its relationship with the correction formulas of polychromatic ray integrals. The properties of the correcting function model are specified in the case of a sample consisting of one material. The boundaries of the parameters of the polynomial correcting function are refined.


cupping effect, beam hardening, polychromatic X-Rays, integral attenuation of a polychromatic X-Rays, polychromatic ray integral, correction formulas of polychromatic ray integrals.

PP. 92-100.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279210111

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