Data mining and image recognition
Intellectual systems and technologies
Image and signal processing
A.E. Zhukovsky, E.E. Limonova, D.P. Nikolaev Exact implementation of common image processing algorithms using fully convolutional networks
A.E. Zhukovsky, E.E. Limonova, D.P. Nikolaev Exact implementation of common image processing algorithms using fully convolutional networks


We present differentiable implementations of several common image processing algorithms: Canny edge detector, Niblack thresholding and Harris corner detector. The implementations are presented in the form of fully convolutional networks and explicitly arranged exactly to the original algorithms. Usage of such form of algorithms allows to tune their parameters with gradient descend. As a part of these implementations we introduce a generalization of pooling algorithm, which allows to use arbitrary structure element. We also analyze the given architectures and show the connections with contemporary approaches.


canny edge detector, Harris corner detector, Niblack thresholding, fully convolutional network.

PP. 108-116.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180512


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