Data mining and image recognition
Intellectual systems and technologies
Image and signal processing
A.V. Gayer, A.V. Sheshkus, Y.S. Chernyshova Augmentation on the fly for the neural networks learning
A.V. Gayer, A.V. Sheshkus, Y.S. Chernyshova Augmentation on the fly for the neural networks learning


In this work, we research online augmentation – method of increasing the representativeness of the training set during the learning of artificial neural networks. We consider the most common transformations with preservation of labels, which will be useful in many practical tasks. Due the limitations of existing systems for online augmentation, among which the adding new transfor-mation functions and increased learning time, we introduce a new effective augmentation system without any impact on learning time. Experiments on the MNIST dataset with the developed sys-tem have shown that we outperform the current best result at SimpleNet(310K) architecture of neural network, reducing the error rate from 0.28% to 0.25%..


machine learning, artificial neural networks, online augmentation, augmentation on the fly, realtime augmentation.

PP. 150-157.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180517


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