Data mining and image recognition
Intellectual systems and technologies
Image and signal processing
D.V. Tropin, D.P. Nikolaev, D.G. Slugin The method of image alignment based on sharpness maximization
D.V. Tropin, D.P. Nikolaev, D.G. Slugin The method of image alignment based on sharpness maximization


This paper describes an image alignment method based on sharpness maximization of average image. The proposed algorithm is substantiated for global-shift model of optical flow using an efficient way of calculation with Fast Fourier Transformation. For projective model is proposed an approach of image alignment by comparison separate fragments and using RANSAC to obtain the final transform. The experimental results of solution the problem of restoring document’s image in a video stream showing increase in quality of output images are presented.


image analysis, image alignment, optical flow, FFT, RANSAC.

PP. 134-141.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180515


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