Data mining and image recognition
Intellectual systems and technologies
Image and signal processing
V.V. Arlazarov, D.P. Matalov, S.A. Usilin Localization of the seal on the identity document image using machine learning approach
V.V. Arlazarov, D.P. Matalov, S.A. Usilin Localization of the seal on the identity document image using machine learning approach


In this paper, the novel method for solving circular seal detection problem based on extended Viola-Jones algorithm is presented. The method's performance is demonstrated during solving the problem of government seal stamp localization on the second page of the passport of Russian Federation. The method is scalable and can be used for different detection problems.


machine learning, object detection, Viola-Jones cascades, digital image processing, document image recognition, forensics.

PP. 158-166.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180518


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