N.V. Belotelov Some of the problems associated with the modeling of ecosystems |
Abstract. A mathematical problem . The paper discusses the problem of joint use of population-based and mass-energy approaches in modeling ecosystems. On the example of three tasks: modeling of vegetation dynamics under climate change; modeling the relationship between population dynamics and metabolism of the individuals; modeling of mobility of the population, discusses the problem of mathematical descriptions of environmental objects. The Central questions are: – is it sufficient to describe the ecological systems of typical variables-population size, number of species, concentration of biogenic elements, and whether their joint measurement is possible Keywords: population models the nutrient cycle, the size spectrum of the population, migration of individuals. PP. 16-21. References 1. Bohr N. The Unity of Knowledge. 1955.The Unity of Knowledge, N.Y.: Wiley. 17-62 p. 2. Kostitzin V.A. 1935. Evolution de l’atmosphere. Paris: Hermann, 105 p. 3. Moisee N.N, Aleksandrov V.V., Tarko A.M. 1985 Chelovek I Biosphere.[ Man and the Biosphere] Moscow: Nauka, 270 p. 4. Volterra V. 1931. Lecons sur la Theorie Mathematique de la Lutte Pour la Vie, Paris: Gauthier, 218 p. 5. Svirezex Yu.M., Logofet D.O. 1978. Ustoychivoct’ biologicheskich soobshestv [Sustainability of biological communities]. Moscow: Nauka, 352 p. 6. Fok V.A. 2007 . Nachala kvantovoy mechaniki. [Beginning of quantum mechanics]. Moscow: LKI Publs., 375 p. 7. Kirilenko A.P., Belotelov N.V., Bogatyrev B.G. 1994. Modelirovanie sdviga pfctitel’nih zon uchetom klimaticheskoi ntstabil’nosti [Modeling of shift of plant zones with consideration of climatic instability.] Doklady Akademii Naukб 338(1), 116-118 8. Smith T.M., Shugart H.H., Bonan G.B., Smith J.B. 1992. Modeling the Potential Response of Vegetation to Global Climate Change. //Adv.Ecol.Res. 22, 93-116 9. Belotelov N.V., Bogatyrev B.G., Kirilenko A.P., Venevsky S.V. 1996. Modeling of Time-Dependent Biome Shifts Under Global Climate Changes. // Ecological Modelling.87, 29-40 10. Gorshkov V.G. 1995. Phizicheskie I biologicheskie osnovi ustoichivosni zhisni [Physical and biological bases of life stability]. Moscow: VINITI, 354 p. 11. Makrieva A.M., Gorshkov V.G., Bai-Lian Li. 2004. Body size, energy consumption and allometric scaling: a new dimension in the diversity-stability debate. //Ecological Complexity, 1, 139-175. 12. Belotelov N.V., Lobanjv A.I. 1997.Populiacinnie modeli c nelineinoi diffuciei [Population models with nonlinear diffusion]. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie. [Mathematical modeling], v.9, № 12, 44-56.