Control and optimization
Decision theory
Mathematical modeling of ecological-economic systems
V.P. Parkhomenko The application of global climate models for the Earth climate study
Design Automation
V.P. Parkhomenko The application of global climate models for the Earth climate study


A set of global climate models, including a general atmospheric circulation model, a hydrothermodynamic ocean model, and a sea-ice evolution model are presented and discussed. A complex of models of the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences is actively used for calculating climatic processes on the Earth. Calculations have been made to reproduce the modern climate, numerous experiments to assess the anthropogenic and natural climate changes.


climate modeling, numerical experiments.

PP. 38-41.


1. Parkhomenko V.P. 2016, Algorithm for computing performance increasing and processors load balancing for modeling the atmosphere general circulation. Matematicheskoye modelirovaniye i chislennyye metody [Mathematical modeling and numerical methods]. 3: 115–126.
2. Parkhomenko V.P. 2015, Analysis of the Pareto optimal efficiency of preventing global warming by geoengineering methods. Komp’yuternyye issledovaniya i modelirovaniye. [Computer studies and modeling]. 7(5): 1097 – 1109.
3. Moiseyev N.N. 1995. Sovremennyy ratsionalizm [Modern rationalism]. Moscow: MGVP KOKS Publs. 376 p.


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