G.K. Kamenev, I.G. Kamenev Multidimensional statistical sets and their metric analysis |
Abstract. The article describes mathematical analysis methods of distributions in multidimensional space of subject’s characteristics in social sciences. The necessity is motivated to take into account measure (frequency) and metric. Methods of metric reliability analysis for the general population are considered using (e, d)-sets (Shannon). As an example UN Human Development Data are analyzed. Keywords: multidimensional statistical analysis, general population, sociological sample, metric net, approximation, data visualization, UN human development data. PP. 30-33. References 1. Saganenko G. I. Struktura empiricheskogo rezultata v sotsiologii i problema ego nadezhnosti [Empirical result structure in sociology and its reliability problem] // Sotsiologiya: metodologiya, metodyi, matematicheskoe modelirovanie [Sociology: methodology, methods, mathematical modeling], 1994. Pp. 3-4. C. 5-22 2. Kamenev G.K. Approximation of Completely Bounded Sets by the Deep Holes Method // Comput. Maths. Math. Phys. 2001. Vol.41. N11. Pp. 1667-1675. 3. Shannon K. The Mathematical Theory of Communication // The Bell System Technical Journal, Vol. 27, pp. 379–423, 623–656, July, October, 1948. 4. Lotov A.V., Bushenkov V.A., Kamenev G.K. Interactive Decision Maps. Approximation and Visualization of Pareto Frontier. Appl. Optimization. V. 89. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston / Dordrecht / New York / London. 2004.