Yu.I. Brodsky On mathematical modeling of the behavior of complex systems |
Abstract. This paper dwells upon general problems of mathematical modeling from the structural method standpoint. What is a mathematical model and whether it always should be a system of differential equations. How to simulate the behavior of complex systems. What the computer science can contribute for this. Keywords: complex systems, structuralism, the method of analogies, mathematical modeling, computer science. PP. 12-15. References 1. Brodsky Yu.I. Bourbaki’s Structure Theory in the Problem of Complex Systems Simulation Models Synthesis and Model-Oriented Programming // Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Vol. 55 No. 1, 2015. P. 148-159. 2. Brodsky Yu.I. Model’nyj sintez i model’no-orientirovannoe programmirovanie [Model synthesis and model-oriented programming] Moscow: CC RAS, 2013. 142 p. 3. Bourbaki N. “Elements of Mathematics, Theory of Set”. Springer, 2004. 414 p. 4. Gastev Yu.A. Model (in science). // Article in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the 3-rd ed., Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978. 5. Gretsky M.N. Structuralism (philos.). // Article in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia, the 3-rd ed., Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978. 6. MacLane S. Categories for the working mathematician. Springer, 1971. 263 p. 7. Thomson J.F. Tasks and Super-Tasks. // Analysis. 1954. Vol. 15 (1): 1-13.