A.N. Bozhko Hypergraph model of product structure |
Abstract. The problem of automation of design of assembly processes of complex technical systems is considered. The fundamental properties of assembly processes and operations are described. A hypergraph model of the assembly structure of the product is proposed. It is shown that the assembly process can be described as a sequence of normal contractions of edges that transforms the original hypergraph into one vertex without loops. Basic information is given on the necessary and sufficient conditions for the contractibility of hypergraphs. Keywords: assembly, assembly design automation, assembly unit, hypergraph, assembly sequence, coherence, sequentiality. PP. 92-95. Reference 1. Ghandi S., Masehian El. Review and taxonomies of assembly and disassembly path planning problems and approaches // Computer-Aided Design. 2015. Vol. 67 – 68. Pp. 58 – 86. doi:10.1016/j. cad.2015.05.001. 2. Bozhko A.N. 2015. Kombinatornyye modeli dlya sborki i dekompozitsii izdeliy [Combinatorial models for the assembly and decomposition of products]. Nauka i obrazovaniye. MGTU im. N.E. Baumana [Science and education. Bauman MSTU] 10. DOI:10.7463/1015.0817524. 3. Bozhko A.N. 2011. Modelirovaniye mekhanicheskikh svyazey. Usloviya styagivayemosti [Modeling of mechanical connections. Conditions of contractibility]. Nauka i obrazovaniye. MGTU im. N.E. Baumana [Science and education. Bauman MSTU]. 5. Available at: 9 http://old. technomag.edu.ru/doc/207577.html (accessed Jule 2128, 2017). 4. Bozhko A.N. 2012. Modelirovaniye pozitsionnykh svyazey v mekhanicheskikh sistemakh [Modeling of positional constraints in mechanical systems]. Informatsionnyye tekhnologii [Information Technology]. 10: 27-33. 5. Bozhko A.N. 2011. Teoretiko-reshetochnaya model’ konstruktsii [Theoretical-lattice model of construction]. Nauka i obrazovaniye. MGTU im. N.E. Baumana [Science and education. Bauman MSTU]. Available at: http://technomag.bmstu.ru/doc/207577.html (accessed Jule 2128, 2017).