N.P. Pilnik, A.A. Ujegov Methodology of Modelling Russia’s Foreign Trade Activity |
Abstract. A methodology is presented that allows to analyze and forecast dynamics of Russia’s foreign trade indicators published in balance of payments. Basing on the methodology, a model is constructed consisting of econometric and balance ratios. This model gives an opportunity to describe balance of payments variables with high accuracy. Model is adapted for midterm forecasting of monthly and quarterly data. With the help of the model discussed it is possible to simulate various economic scenarios and their influence on Russia’s economy. Keywords: foreign trade activity, balance of payments, export, import, capital outflow. PP. 42-45. References 1. Céspedes L., Chang R. and Velasco A., 2001. Balance Sheets, Exchange Rate Regimes, and Credible Monetary Policy. mimeo. 2. Ganelli, G., 2005. The new open economy macroeconomics of government debt. Journal of international Economics, 65(1):167-184. 3. Cubas, G., 2012. The Rate of Reserve Requirements and Monetary Policy in Uruguay: a DSGE Approach (No. 2012011). 4. Blundell-Wignall A., Fahrer J. and Heath A., 1993. Major influences on the Australian dollar exchange rate. The Exchange Rate, International Trade and the Balance of Payments, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, 30-78.