F.I. Ereshko, V.I. Medennikov, S.B. Ognivtsev The system analysis in agrarian and industrial complex and N.N. Moiseyev |
Abstract. The quantum leap has come from original approach to industrial design and deployment of information systems under the leadership of N.N. Moiseyev. The developed models, methods of the system analysis of management and information systems in agrarian and industrial complex are relevant now when the country develops strategy of digital transformation of the economy. Keyword: system analysis, mathematical modeling, informatization of the agricultural enterprises, uniform information Internet space, standard websites, digital economy. PP. 22-25. References 1. Moiseyev N.N. 1981. Matematicheskie zadachi sistemnogo analiza, Moscow: Nauka. 488 p. 2. Ereshko F.I. 1984. Sistemnyi analiz v Stavropolskom proekte vedenia selskogo hoziaistva. Vestnik s.h. nauk. 1: 40-49. 3. Ereshko F.I., Ognivtsev S.B. 1987. O kontseptsii sozdania system elektronizatsii selskogo hoziaistva, Сb. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie v problemah regionalinogo prirodopolzovania. Rostov-na-Donu. 12-21. 4. Ereshko F.I., Medennikov V.I., Salnikov S.G. 2016. Proektirovanie edinogo informatsionnogo Internet-prostranstva strain. Biznes v zakone. Ekonomiko-yuridicheskii jurnal. 6: 184-187.