Control and optimization
Decision theory
Mathematical modeling of ecological-economic systems
S.L. Rychkov, A. V. Shatrov Mathematical model operation of the process of biological sewage treatment of municipal systems and production enterprise
Design Automation
S.L. Rychkov, A. V. Shatrov Mathematical model operation of the process of biological sewage treatment of municipal systems and production enterprise


The feature biological the systems of cleaning is that as the fissile environment an ooze is used, sated with the microorganisms capable to acquire pollutants or to adsorb them in the course of hashing. Devices such are called aerotank and their primal problem to provide passing of sewage in the biologically fissile environment after a power tool cleaning. For the description of process of a biological sewage disposal in the aerotanks the mathematical model considering dynamics of concentration of a substratum of a nitric cycle and microorganisms of two types is offered. In this work there are presented the results of experiment and of mathematical modelling of work of the Kirov communal systems sewage treatment plants (KCS STP).


mathematical model operation, processes of biological sewage treatment, identification of parameters of dynamical system.

PP. 46-49.


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